Why I Don’t Take Antidepressants


In a friendly tone, I introduce them to the idea of having a positive internal dialogue with yourself and implementing self-talk that is healthy and makes you feel good.

I gently explain how this can help to alleviate depression symptoms and encourage them to begin to implement positive self-talk in their life. If the depression is severe, you need to consult your healthcare provider.

Depression is sometimes treated with antidepressants

Depression is a common mental health problem and doesn’t always require medication. If you’re experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of depression, it’s best to talk with your best psychiatrist in Lahore about your options for treatment.

Antidepressants can be addictive and cause side effects like nausea and anxiety—but they also have the potential to cause suicidal thoughts in those who are at risk for suicide or have already attempted suicide. To prevent these risks from occurring:

  • Talk with your doctor about whether antidepressants are right for you or if other types of therapy might work better for your situation instead.
  • Make sure that any meds being prescribed have been prescribed by an approved prescriber (a specialist who has been trained on medications).

Antidepressants don’t work for everyone.

Antidepressants are not a cure for depression. They’re also not the only solution, and many people find them to be ineffective or even harmful.

Antidepressants can be addictive, with side effects that include weight gain and hair loss. They may have other health risks as well—antidepressants have been found to increase the risk of blood clots and stroke in some people—but these risks are lower than those associated with drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes (which contain nicotine). The Antidepressants cost several hundred dollars per month on average; if you’re taking one pill every day, this could add up quickly!

You Know, Antidepressants aren’t usually used long-term because they don’t work very well over time: studies show that only about half of patients who begin taking antidepressants will go back on them after two weeks without experiencing any improvements whatsoever (and sometimes even worse symptoms).

Antidepressants often don’t work as well in the long run as they do in the short run.

Antidepressants are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They don’t work for everyone, and they’re not a cure for depression. Some people will respond better than others, but most antidepressants don’t provide dramatic relief from symptoms in the long term.

If you’ve been prescribed an antidepressant and it hasn’t helped you with your depression yet (or even made things worse), there’s no harm in trying another medication to see if it works better for you—but keep in mind that this isn’t always possible! It may require seeing several different doctors before finding one who can prescribe the right drug for your needs.

Antidepressants can be addictive.

Antidepressants are addictive. Some people can become dependent on them, meaning they’ll need to take them every day for long periods or even indefinitely to feel normal. If you find yourself taking an antidepressant for longer than a few weeks and not feeling better, talk to your doctor about stopping medication for depression or anxiety disorders.

If you do decide it’s time to stop taking antidepressants, don’t panic! It’s not easy—but it’s possible if you know what symptoms might indicate a problem with withdrawal from antidepressants. Here are some things that can happen when someone tries quitting:

Your doctor can prescribe medication if you have mild depression and it’s interfering with your life, but antidepressant medication is not the right solution for everyone.

Antidepressants are a good option if you have mild depression and it’s interfering with your life. However, antidepressants are not the right solution for everyone. They can be addictive, cause side effects, and be expensive. Antidepressants can also cause suicidal thoughts or liver damage in some people. If you decide to take antidepressants, make sure that your doctor has prescribed them specifically for you or told you why they’re not working as well as they should be at this stage of treatment because it may help prevent potentially dangerous outcomes later on down the line when there’s no emergency present (such as an overdose).

Sometimes it’s best to treat depression with therapy, like talk therapy or mindfulness-based meditation.

Therapy can help you understand your depression and your thoughts. It can also help you learn to manage your depression, by helping you learn how to watch for signs of relapse, or by teaching coping skills that will help with the day-to-day challenges of living with a mental illness.

Therapy has its benefits: it can help us feel less alone in our struggles, it gives us access to information from other people who have been through similar experiences (and might even know some ways we could avoid making the same mistakes), and there’s no risk of side effects like those caused by antidepressants—which are sometimes dangerous when taken long term (especially if they cause high blood pressure).

Some life situations are so stressful that medication isn’t the only solution.

If you’re struggling with depression and there are no other options, medication may be the best option for you. But some life situations make it more challenging to take antidepressant medication than others. If your job is stressful or if you have many responsibilities at home, for example, taking antidepressants may not be possible for as long as someone who has more time off during the week or fewer responsibilities at work. It can also be dangerous to suddenly increase dosage levels without consulting a doctor first—you could end up having an adverse reaction! And finally: There are plenty of reasons why medication might not be necessary in all cases—if we’re being honest here (which we will be), maybe sometimes taking meds isn’t the best idea because they just feel like another thing on top of everything else going on right now?


  • Eat healthy food and get enough exercise.
  • Take vitamin supplements if you feel like you need them (i.e., multiple vitamins).
  • Exercise daily (for both physical exercise AND mental exercise). The benefits on mental health from physical activity have been proven many times over (as well as for other forms of exercise): it relieves stress, helps with concentration & focus levels, promotes weight loss & improves strength & endurance… so why wouldn’t we all try? Yes, my husband & I go running almost every single day without fail… we ran together several months ago when we were both feeling.